KIEŁTYKA GŁADKOWSKI in the 2023 edition of the EMEA Green Guide The Legal 500 in the field of green transition

Publication date: March 30, 2023


The Legal 500 has created a guide to law firms specializing in green transformation. Our law firm is one of 6 law firms from the entire Polish jurisdiction that have successfully passed the ranking strict verification with the following description (LINK):

Kieltyka Gladkowski KG Legal

Besides its green energy practice, Polish firm Kieltyka Gladkowski KG Legal also stands out for its involvement in legal projects related to green technology, namely green cryptocurrencies. Notably, the firm applies client acceptance policies aligned to ESG criteria; for example, as a rule, it does not provide legal assistance to clients regarded as polluters.

In an ongoing highlight, the firm’s founding partners Malgorzata Kieltyka and Kazimierz Jakub Gladkowski are assisting a foreign investor specialising in the biofuels market by conducting a due diligence of the legal status of biomass as well as aerothermal energy, agricultural biogas, geothermal installations and hydropower. Kieltyka and Gladkowski were also recently asked to prepare a report on the Polish legal requirements and legal basis for green cryptocurrencies. Their work included providing recommendations on the planned framework that proposes a prohibition of crypto services that rely on environmentally unsustainable consensus mechanisms. In another recent highlight, Gładkowski advised a leading global financial services provider on the implementation of green energy and sustainable data scraping and data crawling.

The firm is actively engaged in an initiative led by the Polish Life Science Cluster network which focuses on a clean energy transition toward renewable energy sources. Furthermore, it participates in events organised by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, contributing to conferences covering topics including electric vehicles, vehicle to grid (V2G), and energy storage. It also takes part in events organised by the International Renewable Energy Agency, and in trade fairs, such as the Solar Energy Expo – International Industry Fair for the Renewable Energy Sources Industry.”.


Cross border case of KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI debated in the UK Parliament

Publication date: March 20, 2023

On 22 March 2023 a debate is scheduled in the British Parliament the subject of which will be the problem of enforcement and cross border legal problems of international cases. One of the case is the litigation concerning the Polish and UK jurisdiction. The participants of the debate will be David Simmonds, MP: International child abduction. Debate will be tabled with the support of Priti Patel, MP

The source:

The case is complex from the litigation and enforcement perspective in so much that the case was initiated before Brexit and the enforcement phase was after Brexit, hence there is debate on the application and continuity of the EU provisions of court judgment enforcement.



Publication date: March 15, 2023

On 14 March 2023 KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI took part in the webinar organised by CB Insights devoted to the retail tech 100. The speakers discussed a very interesting report revealing the 100 private retail tech startups that will transform the way consumers shop.

After reviewing thousands of companies, the retail analysts have selected the most promising startups across tech markets, spanning everything from e-commerce infrastructure to digital personalization tech. In the webinar, the analysts and expert guests from Lululemon and XRC Labs discussed:

  • the major trends to watch in retail tech, including supply chain optimization, AI-powered merchandising,
  • a behind the scenes look at how analysts selected the list.
    The speakers were: Laura Kennedy, Principal Analyst at CB Insights; Pano Anthos, Founder & Managing Director, XRC Labs; Sarah Rogowsky, VP of Digital Strategy and User Experience, Lululemon.
    As for the Retail Tech 100, some of the sectors where the upcoming companies come from are: Merchandise planning & inventory management, Robotic fulfillment, Unattended checkout, E-commerce infrastructure, Supply chain visibility platforms, Digital shopper engagement, Omnichannel payments, Online marketplace tech, Sustainability solutions, Delivery management platforms, Digital content, E-commerce merchandising & discovery, Hourly employee tools & management.



Publication date: March 10, 2023

KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI took part in Dow Jones Risk and Compliance webinar devoted to ESG.

The webinar focused on the issues modern slavery in the framework of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) compliance. The aim was to shed a light on modern slavery as a topic, its effect on human rights legislation, the global economy and how various organizations are combating force labour practices.

Modern slavery topic needs a bit of contextualization to begin the discussion because it is not standardized, it has no legal definition. It can be figured out that it is a mix of human trafficking, slavery and servitude. This is a major cause for concern because despite being banned in all countries of the world, there is a considerable grey area of crime in this respect. The main way it is produced is by situations of forced labour. Hence, it is believed that it is a great part of world’s supply chains. Modern slavery is calculated to reach 50 million people nowadays, with an uplift of 10 million people in the last five years. Around half of them are forced workers. In terms of economics, it is about half a trillion dollars profit per annum on forced labour.


KIEŁTYKA GŁADKOWSKI participated in the webinar: CLIMATE CHANGE, The impact of climate change on lawyers’ practices.

Publication date: February 27, 2023

On Monday, February 27, 2023 our law firm had the pleasure to take active part in the webinar devoted to Climate change and how it affects legal practices, organized by the European Lawyers Foundation. The experts that formed the roundtable were Dominique Attias from the ELF, Jean-Marc Gollier from CCBE, Vesselina Haralampieva from the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, Tiffanie Chan from the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment; and Jonathan Goldsmith from ELF.
