The President of the Polish Patent Office expresses gratitude to Att Jakub Gładkowski, Founding Partner at KG Legal

uprpThe President of the Polish Patent Office expresses gratitude to Att Jakub Gładkowski, Founding Partner at KG Legal, specialising in IT and new technologies, for his active participation in the part of the programme „Intellectual Property in pharmaceutical-medical sector”, organised by the Polish Patent Office jointly with the Wold Intellectual Property Organisation (WPO).

See below the letter from the Polish Patent Office addressed with a dedication to Attorney Jakub Gładkowski:

“Patent Office The Republic of Poland
President Alicja Adamczak
Warsaw, 8th of September 2016
Mr.  Jakub Gładkowski KG LEGAL, Dear Sirs, (…)


How Americans do business in Poland – Polish American Innovation Bridge


Polish American Innovation Bridge PAMI
Lessons to learn. Ideas to expand – Kraków 18 – 19.11.2016
Kraków Technology Park – Polish Silicon Valley


KG Legal | polish law firm participated in the 2016 edition of the Polish American Innovation Bridge (PAMI) which took place from 18t-19 November 2016 at the Kraków Technology Park. The 2-days event, organised by the U.S. Consulate General in Kraków in cooperation with AGH University of Science and Technology and Top 500 Innovators Association, focused on entrepreneurship, innovation and cooperation of science and business in Poland.


KG Legal on the Festival of Innovation and Technology (Gliwice, Poland, IT Market)

forum-innowacjiOn the 17th November 2016 KG LEGAL participated in the Festival of Innovation and Technology in Gliwice, which consisted of two events: International IT fairs and IV International Forum of Innovation. The Festival was organized by Upper Silesian Agency for Entrepreneurship and Development and the Gliwice City Hall.

During the Forum speakers were discussing about the use of new technologies in everyday life and medicine e.g. telemedicine, medical robotics, biomedical engineering.


KG Legal becomes the Polish member of REUNITE INTERNATIONAL

reuniteKG LEGAL NEWS. KG Legal – Polish law firm specialising in cross border family law cases becomes the Polish member of REUNITE INTERNATIONAL – International Family Law.

Link to the official website of REUNITE INTERNATIONAL.

KG Legal has joined the international organization – the leading UK charity specialising in the movement of children across international borders.



One year of KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI KG LEGAL membership in Krakow’s LifeScience Cluster

klaster-life-sciences-krakowOn 7 July 2016 Attorney Małgorzata Kiełtyka and attorney Kazimierz Jakub Gładkowski took part in the Programme Council of the Krakow’s Foundation LifeScience Cluster. KG Legal, having the status of “silver membership” in the Cluster took part in the vote on the new Programme Council of the Cluster, which includes, among others, academic staff and managers of the best Polish medical universities, R&D entities as well as the leading Polish medical, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies.
