On 23 May 2024 the lawyers of KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI had the pleasure to take part in Harbour Cruise Reception / Welcome “Dinner” as the introductory event to the 10th Anniversary Meeting of BioLaw Europe FmbA organization assembling lawyers and law firms dealing with broadly understood biotech, pharma, medtech, life sciences, digital health, data transfers and processing as well as litigation and contracts in this sector.
The cruise was organized by Jan Bierruch Bach of Jusmedico, founder and board member as well as secretary and treasurer of BioLaw Europe.
The meeting of BioLaw focused on cross border cooperation between the organisation’s members and exchange of views on current updates in respective jurisdictions.
Lawyers from the law firms that make up the BIOLAWEurope FmbA organization, as part of the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the organization of firms specializing in the regulatory pharmaceutical law and life science market, took part in a visit to the Danish Parliament building. The meeting was led by Jan Ejnar Jørgensen, MEP, Attorney-at-Law, elected for and member of “Venstre”, The Liberal Party of Denmark (Member of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE)), who, as a practicing Danish lawyer and currently, the parliamentarian has devoted his valuable time to showing BIOLAW EUROPE lawyers around the key places of the Parliament in Copenhagen, including the historic and current Plenary Hall, and working rooms, including special conference rooms referring, among others, to the Greenlandic tradition.
The visit to the Danish Parliament was one of many key exclusive events accompanying the general meeting of the BIOLAW EUROPE association. The event was organized by Jan Bierrum Bach, Danish lawyer, Jusmedico, founder of BIOLAWEUROPE FmbA.
Kiełtyka Gładkowski KG LEGAL’s lawyers took part in a discussion panel organized by the first consul of the Italian Embassy in Washington D.C., whose tasks include the coordination of Italian diplomatic missions throughout the USA. The Italian embassy is a diplomatic mission that is also a contact platform with European Union institutions.
The meeting at the Italian Embassy was the occasion for a practical Q&A session related to options and opportunities for investments in Italy, particularly from the perspective of cross border business with international shareholding.
As a part of the multi-day conference of the international section of the American Bar Association, the conference committee organized a special meeting for lawyers with Mexican diplomatic representatives in Washington.