Besides legal services KG Legal participates in various IT industry events. That is why we visited Mobile IT 2017 fairs in EXPO Kraków on the 22nd February. Mobile IT are the largest fairs from IT sector in Kraków. The fairs featured the subject of e-commerce, mobile applications and new technologies. It was a great occasion to meet new people and establish business contacts.
We publish short videos and photos from event below.
Kancelaria KG LEGAL poszukuje przedsiębiorstw/firm, które w latach 1997-2011 dokonały zakupu średnich (6-16 ton) lub ciężkich (powyżej 16 ton) samochodów ciężarowych z Europejskiego Obszaru Gospodarczego (EOG). (English version below)
Wspólnie z kancelariami z Holandii i Niemiec będziemy dochodzili odszkodowań w tamtejszych jurysdykcjach, jest to o tyle korzystne dla polskich firm, że nie będzie konieczne wniesienie własnego wkładu finansowego (jak miałoby to miejsce w polskiej jurysdykcji). Ponadto holenderska kancelaria zapewnia ubezpieczenie procesu, tak więc nic Państwo nie tracą.
Pozew zbiorowy zostanie złożony w związku ze sprawą dotyczącą europejskiego kartelu „ciężarówkowego”. W ubiegłym roku Komisja Europejska (KE) nałożyła rekordowe kary o łącznej wartości 2,93 miliarda euro na czołowych producentów ciężarówek, którzy w latach 1997-2011 ustalali ceny brutto średnich i ciężkich ciężarówek oraz „przerzucili” na klienta koszty wprowadzenia nowych silników spełniających ekologiczne normy unijne.
Prosimy o kontakt, jeśli są Państwo zainteresowani współpracą.
Truck cartel
KG LEGAL law firm is searching for companies, that purchased medium (6-16 t) or heavy (over 16 t) trucks from European Economic Area from 1997 to 2011.
Together with law firms from the Netherlands and Germany we will pursue claims in their jurisdictions, which is advantageous for Polish companies, since there will not be necessary to make a financial contribution (as would be in the Polish jurisdiction). Moreover, the Dutch law firm will ensure trial insurance, so you do not lose anything.
The class action will be filed in relation to “European truck cartel” case. Last year, the European Commission imposed a record fine of € 2 926 499 000 on the leading trucks producers and revealed that this cartel is relating to:
coordinating prices at “gross list” level for medium and heavy trucks
the timing for the introduction of emission technologies
the passing on to customers of the costs for the emissions technologies in new engines required to comply with the increasingly strict European emissions standards.
The Commission also stated that “any person or firm affected by anti-competitive behaviour as described in this case may bring the matter before the courts of the Member States and seek damages”.
If you are interested in cooperation please contact us.
KG LEGAL established cooperation with Irish law firm – Shannons Solicitors. The cooperation concerning personal injury on an non-exclusive basis. KG LEGAL and Shannons Solicitors will help each other inter alia in translating legal documents, writing legal opinions.
Shannons Solicitors is a law firm based in Ireland specialising in Personal Injury, Property and Family Law. They also provide services in Criminal Law and Notary Public.
In a recent few years you could read about the Volkswagen emissions scandal (also known as “emissionsgate” or “dieselgate”). Our new business partner is dealing with this case and you can find details on their website: “Shannons have now issued and served court proceedings on VW Germany, VW Ireland and retail garages on behalf of clients affected by the VW emissions scandal.
The action is for breach of contract, misrepresentation and fraud seeking damages for all losses incurred including depreciation”.(source:
Changes are open for comments until end of February 2017
The European Medicines Agency (EMA), in cooperation with the European Commission and the Member States of the European Union (EU), is proposing changes to its existing guideline on first-in-human clinical trials, to further improve the safety of trial participants. The revised guideline is open for public consultation until 28 February 2017. Comments should be sent to using the template provided.
Clinical trials are essential for the development of medicines and without them patients cannot gain access to new potentially life-saving medicines. EU and international guidelines are in place to ensure that first-in-human clinical trials are conducted as safely as possible. EMA’s existing guideline, released in 2007, provides advice on first-in-human clinical trials, in particular on the data needed to enable their appropriate design and allow the initiation of treatment in trial participants.