KG Legal has joined the Netherlands – Polish Chamber of Commerce

KG Legal has joined the Netherlands – Polish Chamber of Commerce. The main goal of the latter is to help businesses of all sizes to grow and prosper in Poland. The Chamber offers their 200 members exposure in Polish business community, a strong networking base and opportunities for professional development. Due to multiple events organised by the Chamber and aimed at marketing, business development and networking, the Dutch companies and businesses find their way in doing business in Poland. KG Legal is proud to be a part of this process and due to our extensive experience in cross border cases, we will aim to contribute to the benefit of the Chamber’s members.


KG Legal participated in workshops “Avoiding the Courts – a short introduction to negotiating/mediating your way to success”

On 22nd September 2017 the associate of KG LEGAL had a chance to take part in amazing workshops “Avoiding the Courts- a short introduction to negotiating/mediating your way to success” organized by Scientific Group of Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods TBSP at the Jagiellonian University, led by Janie Clement-Walker, barrister in the United Kingdom, lecturer at the University of Kent.

The workshops’ purpose was to show, that negotiation can be an effective method of dispute resolution, even better that a regular court litigation. The main features have been discussed (such as reduced costs, reduced length of the dispute process, theory of win-win). The participants had also an opportunity to use their knowledge in practise and try to carry out the negotiations experientially.

The meeting was a great chance to look at our legal activity from the international point of view, we are looking forward to further events.


KG Legal invited to the Conference devoted to plundering of the works of art in Poland in the 20th century

KG Legal was invited to the Conference organized by Kraków Society of Friends of Fine Arts and Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences devoted to plundering of the works of art in Poland in the 20th century.

The partners of KG Legal received an invitation to 4th Estreicher Conference organized on 29 September, 2017 by the Society of Friends of Fine Arts in Cracow and the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences.

The Conference is devoted to the topic of plundering of the works of art in Poland in the 20th century. The subject of the event is a part of KG Legal specialization in the field of rendering legal advice for the international art market based on the Polish law.


KG Legal lawyers’ article in the first issue of the Market and Art Magazine

An article written by KG Legal lawyers in the first issue of the Market and Art Magazine. The main motto of the quarterly is the expertise of a work of art. Eminent specialists have spoken about it, including Irena Bal (art historian) and Teresa Maria Pabis (specialist).
KG Legal lawyers wrote an article on the expertise of a work of art in legal proceedings, discussing its meaning and giving examples from case law. You can find the article on the website 


Polish Patent Office Symposium – From start to scale up. Business perspective.

Participants of the second expert panel were Marek Borzestowski from Giza Polish Venture and Michał Latacz, Innovation Activator, NOA, Mimesis Tech.
