KG LEGAL Kiełtyka Gładkowski establishes I-Start – a platform for financing start-ups in life science, new technologies, including fintech on the Polish market, based on foreign investors.
Currently I-Start works on the formula of the legal structure based on Singapore jurisdiction, which is related to the founding hybrid structure in Hongkong and the Netherlands.
The aim of I-Start is to partner international investors with Polish start-ups based on the principle of extreme costs optimisation of the created joint venture.
One of the leading projects of I-Start will be financing the calculation network, through which it will be possible to dig cryptocurrency, apply and teach AI, process big data and render graphics and video.
The Polish law firm KG Legal Kiełtyka Gładkowski has provided complex legal assistance to a Swiss business entity operating in SaaS sector, in relation to setting up and establishing Polish limited liability company in Poland. KG Legal helped the Client to create legal framework of employing specialists in Poland.
KG Legal Kiełtyka Gładkowski participates in a networking event with Israeli companies. The lawyers from the Polish law firm KG Legal specializing in legal services for commercial transactions will meet with the key managers of IT companies from Israel. Such business networking meetings provide an opportunity to find the Polish companies and IT specialists in order to pursue cost-effective cross border projects.
There is currently underway the legislative change in Poland aiming to transform the right of perpetual usufruct of land built for housing purposes into land ownership. Under the new provisions, the owners of flats and commercial premises in blocks of flats and single-family houses will become the owners of the land. However, Article 1 para. 9 of this Act may cause additional difficulties in the use of this right by foreigners who own land in Poland. In order for the transformation to take effect in their case, the minister competent for the internal affairs must issue a relevant permit. On the day when such a permit becomes final, one can talk about the transformation. According to lawyers, however, it is an unnecessary step that will only extend the entire process. A foreigner who owns the building under the same law will also become the owner of the land. Therefore, doubts arise due to the status of the land until the decision is issued by the minister and the fact whether such a process is justified. The Ministry, in turn, ensures that the discussed provisions of the new act will not refer to the transformation of the foreigner’s share in perpetual usufruct and will not cause any problems. The regulations in question will come into force on January 1, 2019.
A business activity is an organized profit-making activity focused on making profit, conducted on a continuous basis and under one’s own name. People whose income does not exceed 50% of the minimum wage and who have not undertaken a business activity in the last 60 months are exempt from the duty of registration.