“Medical Cannabis in Poland”  — presentation for ABA Meeting

Publication date: February 08, 2024

“Medical Cannabis in Poland” – this is the topic of the presentation for the “Food, Agriculture, and Cannabis Committee” meeting of ABA on 15th February 2024.

Spotlight members will be Malgorzata Kieltyka and Jakub Gladkowski – Polish business lawyers of KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI KG LEGAL

American Bar Association is the world biggest lawyers’ organization in the world. The organization associates also lawyers of cannabis, medtech, pharma and health tech lawyers, as well as life science specialists who will be present at the presentation.

The aim of the presentation is to focus the attention of the specialists on the possibilities of cooperation in the Polish jurisdiction which is a key field for cannabis market in Ukraine which in the military crisis is currently amending its medical cannabis legislation.

New agricultural law of medical cannabis in Ukraine accelerates large potential of cannabis market in the Eastern Europe in cooperation with Polish jurisdiction.