General Meeting of the International Law Life Science Organisation BioLaw Europe – Cracow 2016

On 13th May 2016 in Bonerowski ***** Palace Hotel in Cracow will take place annual General Meeting of the International Law Life Science Organisation BioLAw Europe FmbA (“BLE”). The General Meeting is the most important event considering making decisions and summarising its yearly activity. In order to emphasise the international character of this community, the General Meeting of BLE takes place every year in a different city  chosen from the member states constituting the Organisation.

In 2016, the Board of BLE entrusted polish Law Firm KG LEGAL, which has its seat in Cracow with organising the Meeting. Therefore KG LEGAL has a honour to host as a polish site crucial representatives of leading Law Firms forming the BLE.

BioLawEurope is the association of Law Firms coming from states of European Union and EFTA, specialising in comprehensive providing legal services for entities acting in life science sector, on the grounds of international and juridical pharmaceutical law and provisions governing business trade with participation of subjects related to clinical trials “biofarma” sector or IT, developing new solutions dedicated for life science sector.

KG LEGAL is very grateful and thank the Board of BLE for trust and will endeavour, that this year’s General Meeting will take place in accordance with expectations of its Members.