The lawyers of KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI at the Capitol Hill with the International Law Section of the American Bar Association – May 2024

Publication date: May 28, 2024

Visiting the American Parliament building by Kiełtyka Gładkowski KG LEGAL’s lawyers. The United States Capitol is a building located on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., that serves as the seat of the United States Congress (American Parliament). The visit to the Capitol Hill was related with the role of the members of the American Bar Association as the organization actively engaged in advocacy before Congress, the Executive Branch and other governmental entities on diverse issues of importance to the legal profession.

American Bar Association, and in particular the ABA’s Governmental Affairs Office (GAO) serves as the “eyes, ears, and voice” of the organized bar in the nation’s capital. The GAO coordinates the Association’s activities in relation to Congress, the White House, and federal agencies. All representation on behalf of the Association before governmental entities or officials is coordinated with and through the GAO.

The GAO conveys the views of the Association on a broad range of issues each year to numerous governmental entities. The GAO legislative staff arranges for ABA witnesses to testify before congressional committees and other governmental bodies; submits numerous written statements, position papers, and letters advocating ABA policy on issues of interest to Congress; and meets regularly with Members of Congress and their staffs to convey the Association’s concerns and views on matters of importance to the legal profession. The GAO also maintains an active grassroots lobbying effort and distributes periodic “alerts” to entities and state and local bar groups advising them of legislative developments that call for concerted action.

In addition to its advocacy efforts to advance the ABA’s legislative agenda, the GAO acts as a conduit for information for volunteers and entities within the bar. The GAO monitors and reports on congressional and executive branch developments of interest to the organized bar; assists and coordinates the advocacy efforts of ABA entities on polices that are not legislative priorities; works closely with the ABA President’s Office on the presentation of public policy issues; and provides direct staff support to various ABA committees.