KG Legal participated in an online seminar about multi-purpose legal departments and about effective navigation in an ever-changing business world

KG Legal participated in an online seminar carried out by the specialists in managing and developing legal departments or law firms: Mrs. Roop Loomba- the General Manager Legal in Philips Lighting India Limited and Mr. Scott A. Warren- Partner in Squire Patton Boggs (Japan).

The webinar was prepared for in-house lawyers, law firm partners, investors and stakeholders in the legal, IP, tech and outsourcing industries.

The seminar involved the key issues of legal ethics, managing smart litigation budgets, big data and the digitized legal practice, global developments in cyber security and risk management, as well as competition law challenges and common challenges which GCs can face while managing small legal teams and lean budgets.

The organisers of the seminar drew attention to the fact that nowadays, GCs of global companies are required not only to provide day-to-day legal advice for businesses, but they are also helping executive and corporate boards with coming up with strategies for overall business stability and profitability. To achieve that goal they need to stay in touch with every new regulatory development and mitigate the emerging legal risks in diversified and changing jurisdictions. All that takes place while taking care of legal budgets management.

The speakers shared their personal experience on that matter and the insights on various problems that may occur in this area.