In January 2022 there have entered into force the provisions of the Polish law on special rules for the remuneration of persons performing tasks in the field of cyber security, which, among other things, provide for the creation of the Polish Cyber Security Fund, which will be used to finance salary supplements for persons engaged in cyber security.
ICT benefit, which is a salary or emoluments allowance, is to be provided to persons performing tasks in a national level CSIRT; in cybersecurity authorities; persons who serve the Plenipotentiary for Cyber-security, as well as persons who perform tasks related to ensuring cyber-security in, among others, the Internal Security Agency, the Foreign Intelligence Agency, the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau, organizational units subordinate to the Prime Minister or to ministers, the Chancellery of the Prime Minister or in offices serving ministers, the Police or the State Protection Service.
The amount of remuneration for the work, including the ICT benefit, cannot exceed twenty-one times the base amount for members of the civil service corps specified in the Budget.
This is the fund that will be used to pay for cyber services for those working in positions related to ensuring cybersecurity in the state. This is to ensure competitive salaries for cybersecurity professionals employed in government and the Secret Service.
According to the provisions of the act, the Cyber Security Fund will have the form of a state earmarked fund at the disposal of the Polish minister competent for informatization. The law states that the fund will be credited with funds from the state budget (up to PLN 150 million), the Scientific and Academic Computer Network – National Research Institute (up to PLN 100 million) and the Broadband Fund (up to PLN 100 million).
Pursuant to the Notice of the Polish Minister of Digitalisation of 2021-02-08 on the inclusion of the market qualification >Cybersecurity Management – Specialist< in the Integrated Qualification System (Monitor Polski of 2021-02-19, item 201), a specialist in Cyber Security is a person with the qualification “Cyber Security Management – Specialist” who has knowledge in the field of information security and cyber security.
A specialist in Cyber Security operates with national and EU formal and legal regulations in the area of cyber security; has knowledge of working as part of a team in the areas of risk management and cyber security incidents; and has knowledge of environmental, technical, and human-related security and computer forensics.
The conditions that a person entering the validation must meet are to submit a statement of not having a criminal record for a crime committed intentionally prosecuted by public indictment or an intentional fiscal crime, and to have a certificate of marketable qualification.
NOTICE OF THE MINISTER OF DIGITIZATION of 8 February 2021 on the inclusion of the market qualification “Cyber-security management – specialist” in the Integrated System of Qualifications
ACT of 2 December 2021 on special rules for remuneration of persons performing tasks in the field of cyber security,512114.html