Polish Member of World Technopolis Association – IT Center in Poland

logoIn the era of information societies, developing of technology is a condition to be a strong city and country. Strong country, however, is made of strong cities and regions (technopolis), which should be supported. And that is exactly what World Technopolis Association does.

World Technopolis Association (WTA) is an NGO-based multilateral international organization created in 1998 with the purpose of connecting the advancement of science and technology to regional development.

Activities of WTA are focusing on technopolis – the organization has four main objectives:

  • building a globally competetive technopolis
  • connecting science and technology with regional innovation
  • creating collaborative partnership for development of STP
  • promoting the knowledge and technology exchange among technopolises

What is more, technopolises are supported by local government, universities and entrepreneurs. Together they are form a triangle of cooperation, which will provide opportunities for exchanging advanced experiences in terms of regional development policies – this task is for the local governments; the body called University Presidents Forum will faciliate cooperation between universities located in technopolises; the entrepreneurs will promote cutting-edge technology transfer.

The Association includes representants of industrial centres and cities from around the world. Poland is represented by Gliwice nad Zygmunt Frankiewicz – the Mayor of Gliwice is the Deputy President of the organization. Moreover, the Festival of Innovation and Technology will take place in 17-18 of November in Gliwice. And it cointains two events: IV International Innovation Forum and International It fairs.