CROSS BORDER CASES specialisation – Turkish language version

Translation into Turkish language made by Tayfun Yildiz, trainee at Kiełtyka Gładkowski KG Legal

Polonya merkezli bır hukuk bürosu olan KG Legal, kurumsal müvekkillerine profesyonel hukuki danışmanlık sağlamaktadır. Uluslararası kuruluşlara sınır otesi dava takibinde ve Polonya merkezli şirketler, Polonya hükümeti ve diğer idari kuuluşlarla olan ilişkilerinde destek sağlamaktayız. Gerek çekişmeli gerekse de çekişmesiz dava işlerinde genellikle müvekkillerini Polonya’da temsil etmek isteyen uluslararası hukuk bürolarından gerekli direktifleri almaktayız
Who are our Clients?
KG Legal, as a Polish law firm, provides specialist expertise for corporate and private clients. We assist international entities in regulating their relations with Polish companies, government and administrative authorities and we assist in cross border litigations. We are often instructed by international law firms in respect of representing their clients in Poland, both in contentious and non-contentious matters.


Specialisation: Investment law and processes in Poland – Finnish language version


Translation into Finnish language made by Daniella Gallos, trainee at Kiełtyka Gładkowski KG Legal

Sijoitukseen liittyvä laki ja prosessit PuolassaInvestment law and processes in Poland
Ketkä ovat asiakkaitamme?
KG Legal tarjoaa puolalaisena lakiasiaintoimistona juridista apua investoinneissa Puolassa. Tarjoamme erikoisosaamista yritys- ja yksityisasiakkaille. Neuvomme liiketoiminnan perustamisessa Puolaan, kiinteistöjen ostamisessa Puolassa sekä start-up-yrityksiin investoinnissa, mukaan lukien biotekniikan ja uuden teknologian start-upit.
Who are our Clients?
KG Legal, as a Polish law firm, renders legal assistance in investments in Poland. We provide specialist expertise for corporate and private clients. We advise in respect of setting up business in Poland, buying real property in Poland or investing in start-ups, including biotech and new tech start-ups.


CROSS BORDER CASES specialisation – Finnish language version

Translation into Finnish language made by Daniella Gallos, trainee at Kiełtyka Gładkowski KG Legal

Rajanylittävät tapauksetCROSS BORDER CASES
Ketkä ovat asiakkaitamme?
KG Legal, puolalaisena asianajotoimistona, tarjoaa asiantuntevaa ammattitaitoa sekä yritys- että yksityisasiakkaille. Me avustamme kansainvälisiä toimijoita heidän suhteidensa säätelemisessä puolalaisten yritysten, valtion ja hallintoviranomaisten kanssa ja avustamme ranjanylittävissä oikeudenkäynneissä. Usein kansainväliset asianajotoimistot ohjeistavat meitä asiakkaidensa edustamisessa Puolassa, sekä kiistanalaisissa että kiistattomissa tapauksissa.
Who are our Clients?
KG Legal, as a Polish law firm, provides specialist expertise for corporate and private clients. We assist international entities in regulating their relations with Polish companies, government and administrative authorities and we assist in cross border litigations. We are often instructed by international law firms in respect of representing their clients in Poland, both in contentious and non-contentious matters.


Cooperation between KG LEGAL and Shannons Solicitors

KG LEGAL established cooperation with Irish law firm – Shannons Solicitors. The cooperation concerning personal injury on an non-exclusive basis. KG LEGAL and Shannons Solicitors will help each other inter alia in translating legal documents, writing legal opinions.

Shannons Solicitors is a law firm based in Ireland specialising in Personal Injury, Property and Family Law. They also provide services in Criminal Law and Notary Public.

In a recent few years you could read about the Volkswagen emissions scandal (also known as “emissionsgate” or “dieselgate”). Our new business partner is dealing with this case and you can find details on their website: “Shannons have now issued and served court proceedings on VW Germany, VW Ireland and retail garages on behalf of clients affected by the VW emissions scandal.

The action is for breach of contract, misrepresentation and fraud seeking damages for all losses incurred including depreciation”. (source:


NRW Wirtschafts­konferenz Polen – 300 experts and managers from Poland and Germany are talking about economic cooperation

NRW-Invest, IHK zu Dortmund and Wirtschaftsfoerderung Dortmud organised Polish Day as a part of Business Conference in Signal Iduna Park on 15 November 2016. The purpose was to develop and strengthen commercial and industrial relations between Polish entrepreneurs and German NRW District or Ruhr Metropolis.
