The Polish National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management has announced another call for applications for co-financing under the priority program Energia Plus. Entrepreneurs can apply for co-financing, e.g. to renewable energy sources.
The goal of the Energia Plus program is to reduce the negative impact of enterprises on the environment by supporting investment projects. The budget allocated to support investments in the fourth call for proposals has just been announced and amounts to PLN 566.9 million.
Patent protection for a newly introduced drug on the market lasts almost 20 years. During this time, no other company (except the one with the patent) has the right to produce it. When protection ends, the drug may be manufactured by other manufacturers who begin to compete with each other – such competing drugs are called generics.
The original and generic medicine may differ in name, manufacturer and price. However, the active substance contained in them, which is responsible for the action of the drug, and its amount will always be the same. Thanks to the guarantee of equally high production standards and constant monitoring of safety and effectiveness, patients can freely choose the product that best suits them in the pharmacy. The manufacturing process of generic drugs must follow the principles of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). Compliance with the GMP rules allows for the provision of good quality medical devices.
KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI KG LEGAL takes part in the project “Systemic Design and Sustainable Healthcare for MedTech Manufacturing (SysteMA)”. One of elements of the project is led by the Life Science Cluster in Krakow and the MedSilesia cluster. The latter became involved in activities to raise awareness and knowledge in the field of the circular economy.
The research is part of the EIT Manufacturing project SysteMA (Systemic Design and Sustainable Healthcare for MedTech Manufacturing), which focuses on the role of MedTech manufacturing towards the environmental, social, and economic sustainability of healthcare systems. The project aims to create online training courses on this topic, providing EU companies with actionable skills to improve the sustainability of their products and processes and seize new market opportunities.
On 10 December 2021 there entered into force the amendment of the Polish law on energy. The changes introduced by this amendment, which relate to the principles of tariff calculation, aim to avoid the risk of a single cumulative increase in gas prices for households in 2022, while ensuring that gas sellers can cover their costs of purchasing gas for their customers in the long term. As a result, household gas prices may fall at some point, but revenue will be recovered in subsequent years by applying prices that take account of such latent costs. This means that gas prices in these years will be higher than the current cost of buying this fuel, even if wholesale gas prices fall again.
New tariff system
The new mechanism incorporated to the tariff system is a one-of-a-kind solution deriving from the existing state of the national and European gas markets. It assures that gas sellers can carry forward the present rise in raw material purchase prices over the next few years rather than simply factoring them into the tariff as it is now calculated. Until 30 June 2022, gas sellers may submit to the President of the Polish Office for Energy Regulation a gas sales tariff for households calculated only on the basis of a proportion of the justified costs, i.e. a proportion of the gas procurement costs. On the other hand, the seller will be able to cover the part of the costs not included in the current tariff for the next three years, i.e. until the end of 2025, either from the tariffs applicable from the beginning of 2023, or from the prices and charges set on competitive markets.