Investment potential and options in Poland for international investors
The scale of international investment in Poland in recent years

According to analyses, 2021 a record year in terms of the number and value of investments in Poland. From the beginning of the last year, 402 investment support decisions were issued. By analogy, in the same period last year this was a difference of 56%. The value of investments in 2021 was approximately 17.3 billion PLN, which is an increase of 14% compared to the whole of 2020.
Since the beginning of the Polish Investment Zone (which is an instrument thanks to which one can obtain tax relief for the realization of a new investment, which can be used throughout Poland, regardless of the size of the company. Such support is granted to companies from the industrial and modern services sector), 1209 decisions on investment support have already been issued. 2021 declarations accounted for 33% of the total and were declarations of over 9500 new workplaces.