Software patents – patentability and software protection in the EU and Polish law

Software patents – patentability and software protection in the EU and Polish law

The article prepared by KG LEGAL KIEŁTYKA GŁADKOWSKI based in Cracow, Poland, specialising in cross border cases, with focus on new technologies, IT and life science, discusses the practice of software patentability, advantages and risks in patenting software, patenting computer-implemented inventions, EU legislation regarding software patenting, patents for IT start-ups, software patent applications, legal protection for IT ideas, software patents as crucial element for successful commercialisation of the product, patents in the context of free software and open-source software (FOSS), patents for trivial inventions, EPO patent procedure, patents for computer programs in such sectors as medical devices, the automotive sector, communication/media technology as well as the issue of novelty, inventive step and industrial applicability of software patent.

See the link to the article in Polish:,Ochrona-patentowa-i-prawnoautorska-software-korzysci-i-zagrozenia-zdolnosci-patentowej-software.html
