Patentability of software – practical comments on patent protection in IT under the EU and Polish law
Patentability of software – practical comments on patent protection in IT under the EU and Polish law
The article prepared by KG LEGAL KIEŁTYKA GŁADKOWSKI based in Cracow, Poland, specialising in cross border cases, with focus on new technologies, IT and life science, discusses the possibilities of software patenting, the procedure of patent application in case of software, the concept of Espacenet within the European Patent Office, patent search and examination, patentability of software under Polish law, procedure in case of refusing a patent, the European Patent Convention, Vicom case in computer-related invention case, the so-called further technical effect, programs as machine and software-related patent cases.
See the link to the article in Polish:,Ochrona-patentowa-i-prawnoautorska-software-przepisy-europejskie-i-polskie-a-orzecznictwo-w-zakresie-patentu-na-oprogramowanie.html