BIAT – Innovation and High Technology Lab – Possibility of cooperation in 50 new IT Projects – Opportunities for Polish software developers
On the 2nd – 3rd March 2017 the third edition of the BIAT – Innovation and High Technology Lab will be held in Catania at “Le Ciminiere”. The event is organised by the Italian Trade Agency in collaboration with the Convergence Regional Governments and the town of Catania.
The event is dedicated to biotechnology, ICT and new technologies, which are the sectors of specialization of KG Legal. BIAT aims to promote innovative products and services from Italy by matching suppliers (start-ups, innovative SMEs) and demanding entrepreneurs (large companies, investors).The event will be attended by ICT companies from Convergence Regions (Campania, Calabria, Apulia, Sicily), international large companies, research centres interested in technology transfer and venture capitalists.
The main goal is to foster forms of international cooperation at various levels and the opportunity to matchmaking with other companies interested in running projects from IT sector. You can find list of projects at this link:
The information was prepared by Kamil Trzaskoś of KG Legal Polish Law Firm. KG Legal provides specialised legal assistance to IT, Life Science as well as investment processes in Poland and organises networking between Polish and international companies and research centres.
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